March 14, 2025


Hello, I’m Richard Langston, a Registered Marriage and Family Therapist (Psychotherapist).

I love life!  Some of my favorite visions of life may be found in my time with my wife and two boys, ages 6 and 8.  I love being outside and soaking up the sun while smelling the fresh air.  I enjoy baseball, basketball, and football.

Even though I grew up in Myrtle Beach S.C., I have an affinity for the mountains.  In Myrtle Beach one of the most beautiful sites you will even see is a moon rise over the ocean.  Especially a full moon as it is rising above the ocean.  As it rises the reflection of the moon creates this magical walkway on the ocean to the moon.  It is a certain reminder of God’s grace and love for life.

That being said, I find solace in the mountains.  The Blue Ridge Parkway in the Smokey Mountains of North Carolina gives way to miles and miles of beautiful life bearing visions.  There is something refreshing about the air and the sights and sounds of the mountain range.  In the silence of a walk on the beach or the hike through a mountain trail that one can hear better the still small voice.

I moved to Canada in the fall of 1997.  Ontario has a beauty of it’s own.  The summers are amazing and lack the humidity and temperatures of Myrtle Beach.  The fall colors are wonderful as well.  For those who may not know, not a whole lot of snow in Myrtle Beach.  I found I love playing in the snow with my boys.  We also enjoy sledding, snowball fights, and making angels in the snow.  Ontario has become my home.

I am married (beginning our 17th year) with two boys ages eight and six.  Living life begins at home for me.  I have a lovely wife who didn’t need me when we married, yet chose me for life, what an honor.   We have two wonderful boys who teach me as much daily as I hope to be teaching them.  We have a rabbit with a couple aliases, Snuggles, Bun Bun, or simply, Bunny.

Some of my favorite books are:


  • The Cold Sassy Tree by Olive Anne Burns
  • Traveling Light by  Max Lucado
  • To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee
  • The Shannara Series by Terry Brooks
  • The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit  by J. R. Tolkien

Self-help books:

  • The Road Less Traveled by Scott Peck
  • The Journey from Abandonment to Healing by Susan Anderson
  • 9 things You Simply Must Do by Henry Cloud
  • Necessary Endings by Henry Cloud
  • Total Money Make Over by Dave Ramsey
  • Have a New Kid By Friday by Kevin Leman

In the coming months/years, my hope is I might help you find some additional light in your life.  To share light in a way that helps you to better connect to others.  Some of the following blogs will highlight articles and tools for living life with others.  The reality is we do not live in a vacuum and we were, after all, created to be in relationship with one another.  Some are written in a secular format and others include clear Christian connections.

The idea of connecting with others and finding or adding to your personal strength is foundational on the building of a healthy mind body and spirit.  While part of who I am as a Christian informs my work, I meet people where they are in life, without judgment or pressure to conform and any one way of being.  I do not write or work to change you, but to help you find the answers you already have.  To help you discover your answers covered up by life’s struggles; sometimes through a question, others through tools.  I hope you enjoy this blog and I hope it adds a little sunshine to your life.

